
Weekly Meal Plan

I have read a lot about planning out meals. I have tried to do this before but would never follow what I had written down. But this week I wanted to change that. I have learned that if you plan out what your meals are you can save a lot of time and money.

5/23 Weekly Meal Plan:

Monday: Hotdogs and Homemade French Fries (wash and slice up potatoes then top with olive oil, salt and pepper --- 350 F for 25-30 minutes)
Tuesday: Blueberry Buckle (found on afewshortcuts.com), Omelets - using leftover chopped up veggies, turkey sausage, cheese...pretty much whatever I had on hand!
* Wednesday: Crock Pot Chicken, Baked Potatoes
* Thursday: Chicken Fajita Rice a Roni (using leftover chicken from Wednesday), corn and side salad
* Friday: Leftovers
* Saturday: steak kabobs (potatoes, peppers and onions) with cucumber salad
* Sunday: Grilling at Nathan's parents house for Memorial Day. This will save my planned meal of Spaghetti, Bread Sticks and Veggies for Monday.

Do you have any ideas I could use for next week? I have lots of frozen veggies, ground beef, chicken, venison and pasta!

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