
Burst of Energy...TO CLEAN & ORGANIZE!

One good thing about this medicine that I have been taking is that it keeps me awake so I get more accomplished. I should be sleeping already...well like 4 hours ago but I got a burst of energy!

I used this as an opportunity to clean and organize my desk and Tastefully Simple Business things! I love to do this for other people (organizing...it is a challenge) but when it comes to my house it is harder for me. I am definitely trying to work on this and I am becoming a better housewife!

I should have taken a before picture because this took me about an hour to clean and organize. So here it is...

I will tell you that before it was completely cover with papers, bills, coupons, recipes and Tastefully Simple order forms. I have everything filed away now and nicely stacked. I will work more underneath my desk but I need to purchase shelving. Right now my Tastefully Simple products and party kits are in boxes.

Nathan and I talked about what we are going to do with the rest of the room. We will be moving his desk into our bedroom...trading out my dressers. I would love all my things in one room and I know he would too.

Next, we would like to replace the small couch (it is about 28 years old now) with a futon for guests to sleep on. I would also like to replace one of the small bookcases with a large one. The bookcase with our DVDs...I would like to repaint black so it matches my desk.

I would also like to get ride of the plastic storage that you see in the picture. This was from my freshman year in college and I have been holding on to it. I do not need it anymore and it will help me clear out all the junk that is inside the drawers.

I will also be hanging up new pictures that I was given from a wonderful man named John. I waited on John for almost 3 years at the Southern Star. He is a very talented photographer and for Christmas last year he let me pick two of this pictures! I was so excited and thankful! I will post a picture when I find frames to put them in.

I guess that is all for now. I need to go to sleep.

Have you organized an area of your house or transformed a piece of furniture or any diy projects? Let me know!

Check out my post coming tomorrow! I will be posting pictures of my garden so far! It is growing so beautifully! 

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