
Hailey's First Day of Kindermusik

This morning Hailey and I ventured over to St. Nicholas School here in Chattanooga for a Summer Kindermusik class. It is called Peek-a-boo I love you! We had lots of fun.

"Kindermusik® is based on research demonstrating the benefits of music at each stage of a child's development. We start from where your child is, regardless of his age, and provide activities that stimulate his mind, body, and sense of play."

"Class activities vary depending on your child's age. But most classes involve a mix of singing, instrument play, dancing and movement, storytime, and other activities. Activities are designed to develop and strengthen your child's physical and neural functions, social-emotional skills, early literacy and early math, and much more. See the catalog / program information for classes beginning in June 2011. To enroll in Kindermusik contact Summer Camp Director Kevin Leckenby or Kindermusik instructor Kristy Coleman."

(This information came from stns.org website! Kristy Coleman is a great friend of mine and she is a wonderful music teacher!)

There are 2 other children in Hailey's class.

And yes, we moms are involved as well. We get to sing, dance, and read to our little ones.

It is lots of fun and I am excited to see how Hailey will develop from this class. I am really excited about her being able to interact with others and learn music! I hope she has a passion for it like I do. She is always singing, dancing and making noises on anything she can get her hands on.

If you live in the Chattanooga area and are interested in something like this, please let me know. There is another class in July as well. I am sure Kristy would love to hear from you!


  1. Thanks for posting this Carlye! I love to see the baby's faces light up! It is so rewarding as an instructor!

  2. You are an amazing instructor and Hailey loves the class! Thanks for having it!


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