
Last Week Nothing But Dairy Challenge (update)

We are so made for each other! 

It is now the end of the Nothing But Dairy Grocery Challenge. I wish I could say that I was able to say we did it but we did not! :) There were too many good deals to stock up on for the rest of the year. 

I am happy to say that we still saved $115 which will go towards Nathan's hunting fund or maybe swapped over to my front porch furniture fund. :) Either way we saved $115 which means we only spent $85. 

Happy. Happy. Happy. 

I did learn that we do not need to spend over $100 per month for groceries - I can stock up on great deals if I plan really well. Plus Aldi has great produce and dairy prices for us to cash in on. 

Here is a look at what our meals were: 

breakfasts: cold cereal with fruit and yogurt

lunches: packed lunches or leftovers

saturday: sausage with homemade macaroni and cheese, limas and cabbage salad
sunday: teriyaki meatball bowls served with rice
monday: leftovers
tuesday: spaghetti with ground deer meat served with biscuits
wednesday: surprised with pizza (thanks to my hubby. super stressful day!)
thursday: out of town Chick-fil-a 
friday: out of town Lemon Chicken, rolls, mixed veggies
saturday: out of town taco bar --- Celebration of my nephew's birthday! 
sunday: small group withness ---potatoes, sausages, chips w/ salsa and guac plus birthday cake! 

I am thinking of other ways to challenge myself with the grocery department. I want to save as much money as we can to pay off loans and save for the future...maybe a family vacation or something. :) 

How did you do this week? this month? Did you meet your goals? How or how not? 

Leave a comment below! 

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