
Yard Sale and Update on Life!!

I am so sorry I have been MIA lately. It has been so incredible busy around the Rankin household! We have had a girl move in with us and were planning a yard sale. It was a good thing I just finished the clutter busting challenge!

First, I will talk about the yard sale! I was only able to get one picture of my entire set up because people started coming quick. This yard sale was a HUGE blessing! 

I wanted to do two things: get rid of clutter in our home and make money for Hailey and Nathan's birthday parties this month! 

I was very successful in accomplishing both goals! We made a grand total of $121! I did sell two items for Alora (our new roommate!) - so $9 was hers. She was happy because the items I sold she wanted to tag as $2! lol 

I could not believe how much money I made because I just had a ton of little items. The items left over were donated or saved for other people. I will be taking all of the books and cds to McKay's Used Book Store to see what I can make for those. This will give me more money or store credit for birthday presents. 

I will post specifically how I have learned to set up yard sales. My Nana has taught me so much and I would love to share it with you! Stay tuned! 

The above two pictures were storage boxes we moved to our storage unit so that Alora could have a closet. I added two more totes to this pile (36 gallon and 18 gallon) full of little girls clothes. We are not getting rid of any clothes since we are not finished having kids and Nathan's sisters are both in that stage of life as well!

Our living room is almost cleaned out but not completely. Alora is putting some tote boxes in our storage unit (splitting the cost) so they are waiting in the living room. Pictures will come later.

I am so excited about having Alora live with us. She is a wonderful help with the girls. She is our babysitter for small group. We prayed about her living with us and the Lord gave us a peace about it. I am loving having a friend live with me. :D

more about Alora later...

How is everything going for you all?

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